Sunday, July 08, 2007


Yes, twelve. That's the number of days until the wedding. The stress is getting to some people, most notably my mother and The Peach. These two ladies are working really hard on everything and I just hope that the whole show goes right for them, so they feel good and know their work was not in vain. Myself, I'm doing okay. It's a little worrisome, thinking about all the stuff that still needs to get done, even though I know we've got most of it under control. I still think that there's something that's going to go wrong, that even with all the planning and all the work something will go awry at the wedding. I was talking to Fee and NinjaStolz about it a few weeks ago, and they said to me, "Don't worry about it! Every wedding we go to we have a great time, and afterwards the people say 'Oh my god, didn't you notice everything that went wrong?' Nobody notices, it's just a few small problems and it all gets worked out in the end."

Me, though, I keep thinking that it's like a long trip that you need to pack for, and you make yourself a list, and you do your best to work through that list and get everything done. And then, when you get to the airport, there's a security problem with your bag. So you open it up, and that's when you realize that all you've packed is pants. Only pants. In the carry-on: more pants. In the shaving kit: one pair of rolled-up pants. In your wallet, instead of money? Tiny little pair of pants. It's not rational, but that's what I worry about. I'm going to get to the ceremony, and there'll be nothing but pants as far as the eye can see.


Mrs. Loquacious said...

Don't worry, Doc. You may only have pants, but Peach will have everything else covered. Brides (and mothers) have a way of remembering what the boys tend to forget. Just make sure to put on your pants (and the rest of your monkey suit) and show up on time! :P

And truly, nobody will notice the little things that might not go perfectly, so don't even sweat those; delegate to someone else so they have a headache all day! ;) Enjoying the day is what it is all about.

Foofa said...

I am so excited for you! I'm sure everything will be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Well, Doc, all I can say is Trust in the Peach. She'll make sure you have at least ONE shirt! Best wishes! 8^)

Shannon said...

Only like a week now, eh? Well, something always goes wrong at a wedding, and I've never met an unstressed bride. Last year, my best friend's outside wedding was surprised by a thunderstorm that lasted exactly the length of the ceremony! The key is just keeping everything together so guests don't notice what didn't go as planned and have a great time. Yours is going to be great!!! Congratulations and good luck!

Karen said...

I'll be honest: I'd much rather come to an all-pants wedding than a no-pants wedding. I believe it was Dave Barry that said that all the groom has to do is show up and wear pants. It sounds like you're covered. (The wedding was lovely by the way, I'm just catching up on my reading now.)