Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Handed In My Final Draft Today!

It was a lot of work, but I finished the paper proper and handed the hard copies in to my committee members today. Just over fifty pages, which is a little light for a thesis but I think I have some important findings despite the short length. So the paper's done, and I celebrated with pizza and Futurama (more on that last one later).

But I don't get much time to rest: I present on December 7th, so there's a talk, a PowerPoint, and a thourough comb-through of the paper for possible questions. Nine days until then, and then I might (read: "in all probability will") have some revisions. So essentially, after looking at my own words over and over again on the computer screen, it feels like this process will never end. I'm sure that feeling will pass, though. And hopefully I'll have the paper ready for printing and binding before I have to pay for another semester...


Isaac Carmichael said...

I came this close to purchasing Bender's Big Score this weekend, but in the end decided against it because the price wasn't posted on the shelf...how big of a mistake did I make in passing it up?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting indeed.

Xeryfyn said...

Congratulations!!! I am very excited for you!

Foofa said...

Congratulations! that si awesome. How was Bender's Big Score?

Diego said...

It was a huge valentine to the fans. Deeply satisfying.

The Doc said...

SSB, I didn't buy it either, but that's because a friend of mine did and we went over to watch it. It's worth buying, I think. More later.

Annie, here is a generic reply expressing thank-you.

Zeryfyn, thanks! For me it's alternately exciting, terrifying, and exhausting.

Natalie, thanks, I think it's pretty awesome. Also: I think BBS is pretty awesome too. More later.

Diego, I agree. Did you talk to Ro about it? He was NOT very happy. I had to talk him into liking parts of it.

Unknown said...

Hooray for theses!

Sylvana said...

Congratulations! That sounds like a lot of hard work. I always like to treat myself after a big accomplishment. Keeps me motivated.

The Doc said...

Dan, hooray. Oh, sometimes I want to kick something, but hooray.

Sylvana, I'm trying to think of a suitable reward for finishing my presentation on Friday. I'm thinking about some combination of shopping, tobacco, and movies.