Friday, March 17, 2006

Computer?...Hello Computer?...

Quick note to say: my computer is finally back at home where she belongs. I'm just re-installing all my programs, catching up on all my missing e-mails (133 at last count, 85% of which were spam), and dancing around the kitchen-den like a happy little elf. Well, a happy big elf. Anyhow, that's it. Back to your regularly scheduled lives.

Edit: I had about two functional hours out of the computer, which mainly consisted of me reinstalling all my programs. And now it's shot to hell again. My god, but this is annoying. Stay tuned for infrequent updates again.


Alannah said...

I read the first half of your post and said "Hooray! He's back!"

Then, I read the edit of your post.

Man, that really sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, It's nothing that martini's and a good movie won't fix. Did you hear - I'm a karaoke host now!!!

Sylvana said...

I feel for you. This really sucks. Hopeyou get everything all figured out soon.