Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Not a Fringe Update: New Addition To The Family!

No, The Peach isn't pregnant. At least, not as far as I know. But we have adopted. A budgie. Her name is Lola, and she's a yellow budgie who is currently trying to adjust to her new surroundings. We got her from my Future Sister-In-Law (the FSIL); she and G are moving to a new apartment, and their new work and school schedules don't work well with keeping a bird happy and healthy. And The Peach loves birds, so they naturally thought of us when it came to finding new owners for her.

Like I said, The Peach loves her; cooing to her as she does the dishes, dutifully changing the water and even giving her fresh fruit to eat, and making sure CBC Radio 2 is playing whenever we're out. The FSIL told us that Lola likes soft music, and also The Beatles. Me? I'm scared of her. Not in an "ornithophobia" sort of way, or in a "Melanie Daniels"* kind of way. In a "oh god, oh god, I'm going to kill it" kind of way. The girls keep reassuring me that there's no way I'm going to be able to hurt it, but I disagree: I'm about thirty-seven times taller than her and have probably five hundred and eighty times her mass. I know I'm going to try and change her water, or give her a head scratch, and somehow accidentally break her tiny hollow bones. Also, I don't know what to do with a bird. I feel stupid talking to it, and you can't take her for a walk or pet her or throw things at her. Well, you can throw things at her, but it'd just lead to bone breakage, which I'm already a little nervous about.

However much I'm afraid of her, she's FAR more afraid of me. Every time I walk in the room or get up from the chair I have to announce it ahead of time; if I don't, her wings start flapping and she shuffles as far away from me as possible. She won't eat in front of us, and I honestly think she breathes faster when we're in the room. I don't want her to get an anxiety problem, or have a premature heart attack, so I'm trying to give her a role model. I think she likes him.

Well, it's progress.**

* - Identify this name for 4 geek points. No Googling or anything: just off your brain.
** - Why this role model? 2 geek points.


Anonymous said...

Finally, one I can answer!

From Hitchcock's 'The Birds' -- also known as the scariest movie I have ever seen.

Lola and Ginger should never meet, I think...

Dan M said...

Daredevil is the man without fear, right?

Morgan Smith said...

DAMN dan beat me to it!

The Doc said...

Megan M., yes indeedy. It's not one of my favourite Hitchcock films, but it's still quite good.

Dan, he truly is. Hopefully he's rubbing off on her.

Morgoid, oh, so close. One day, points will be yours...

Jo-Jo said...

I have to check your blog more often, cause I totally knew that answer!!

Anonymous said...

Darnit, I KNEW that one! And I NEVER know the answers!


Shannon said...

Ack! I'll never get geek points ::pout::.

Little, cute yellow Birds smell fear, you know. They only pretend to be helpless and fragile...when you aren't looking, out.

The Doc said...

Jo-Jo, yes, that's why I'm instituting these points, you see: in the hopes that people will check in every week or so. You never know when the opportunity to earn points of as-yet-unknown value!

Oh Flop, keep trying! I'm sure you'll catch some obscure pop-culture reference.

Shannon, I don't doubt it. The other day Lola flew right at me, moving just in time to crash into the Venetian blinds. I think it was because she thought better of her kamikaze mission, but it could also have been a doomed attempt to escape.